Monday, January 10, 2011

What is Literature?...

While it is a very in-depth question, it is definitely worth pondering and when certain people are inquired with it, various answers will come up depending on the person's culture, background, and personal morals. Personally, if I had to stamp a definition on literature, it would be described as the writings of established persons that possess some historical, personal, and/or poetic significance. However, literature is much greater than the technical definition. For many it is a passion, a career, a study; it is special and unique to its author. Many forms of literature such as poetry, short story, and novels are ways of this expression. These types of literature are my favorite to read and learn about because of the different perspectives and different imaginary worlds some people could not even fathom. Other literature, like textbooks, can be used for educational purposes, and while this is less personal, it is still as important as the escape we receive from reading books and stories.